Climate, temperatures and weather in Pontarlier
The best time to go to Pontarlier
Average temperatures range from 3 ° (december) to 20 ° (july). The rainiest months are: july, october and august. We recommende the month of june, july, august, september, to visit Pontarlier.
Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | Jul | August | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec | |
Temperatures Pontarlier
Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | Jul | August | Sept | Oct | nov. | dec. | |
Min temperature | -5° | -5° | -2° | 1° | 5° | 8° | 10° | 10° | 7° | 4° | -1° | -4° |
Max temperature | 4° | 4° | 7° | 10° | 15° | 19° | 20° | 20° | 16° | 13° | 7° | 3° |
Weather Pontarlier
Check the weather history over the last 5 years. Weather history
The weather month by month in Pontarlier
Weather Pontarlier in January
12 d/month | 6 d/month | 5 d/month | 4 d/month | 2 d/month | 1 day | 1 day |
In January, in Pontarlier, temperatures range from -5 to 4 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 95 inches, for 17 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Pontarlier in February
11 d/month | 6 d/month | 5 d/month | 2 d/month | 2 d/month | 1 day | 1 day |
In February, in Pontarlier, temperatures range from -5 to 4 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 96 inches, for 18 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Pontarlier in March
11 d/month | 7 d/month | 5 d/month | 3 d/month | 2 d/month | 2 d/month | 1 day |
In March, in Pontarlier, temperatures range from -2 to 7 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 102 inches, for 19 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Pontarlier in April
10 d/month | 8 d/month | 4 d/month | 4 d/month | 3 d/month | 1 day |
In April, in Pontarlier, temperatures range from 1 to 10 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cool. The average rainfall is around 104 inches, for 15 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Pontarlier in May
11 d/month | 8 d/month | 7 d/month | 4 d/month | 1 day |
In May, in Pontarlier, temperatures range from 5 to 15 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cool. The average rainfall is around 126 inches, for 11 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Pontarlier in June
13 d/month | 7 d/month | 7 d/month | 3 d/month |
In June, in Pontarlier, Minimum temperatures vary between 8 in the morning and 19 in the afternoon. The average rainfall is around 114 inches, for 11 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Pontarlier in July
11 d/month | 10 d/month | 7 d/month | 2 d/month | 1 day |
In July, in Pontarlier, temperatures range from 10 to 20 degrees. Temperatures are pleasant. Rainfall in July: 126 inches, for about 13 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Pontarlier in August
12 d/month | 10 d/month | 6 d/month | 3 d/month |
In August, in Pontarlier, temperatures range from 10 to 20 degrees. Temperatures are pleasant. Rainfall in August: 138 inches, for about 15 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Pontarlier in September
11 d/month | 6 d/month | 6 d/month | 5 d/month | 1 day | 1 day |
In September, in Pontarlier, temperatures range from 7 to 16 degrees. The average rainfall is around 125 inches, 19 days without rain in September
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Pontarlier in October
13 d/month | 6 d/month | 4 d/month | 3 d/month | 2 d/month | 2 d/month | 1 day |
In October, in Pontarlier, temperatures range from 4 to 13 degrees. Temperatures are low but with a lot of sunshine. The daily rainfall is around 126 inches, there are 22 days without rain in the month.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Pontarlier in November
9 d/month | 7 d/month | 7 d/month | 3 d/month | 2 d/month | 1 day | 1 day |
In November, in Pontarlier, temperatures range from -1 to 7 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 119 inches, for 19 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Weather Pontarlier in December
11 d/month | 9 d/month | 4 d/month | 3 d/month | 2 d/month | 1 day | 1 day |
In December, in Pontarlier, temperatures range from -4 to 3 degrees. Minimum temperatures are cold. The average rainfall is around 116 inches, for 18 days without rain.
Check the weather over the last 5 years for the dates of your stay
Weather history day by day
Temperature and climate in:
Arbois | Baume-les-Messieurs | Belfort | Besançon | Bois-d’Amont | Bonlieu | Bonlieu-sur-Roubion | Château-Chalon | Crêt de la Neige | Dole | Doucier | Faucogney-et-la-Mer | Jougne | Joux-la-Ville | Lac de Chalain | Lac de la Motte | Lac de Saint-Point | Lac de Vouglans | Les Rousses | Lods | Lons-le-Saunier | Luxeuil-les-Bains | Métabief | Molain | Montreux-Château | Pontarlier | Ronchamp Railway Station | Salins-les-Bains | Scorbé-Clairvaux | Suarce |